One of the most anticipated events for the Orisha community worldwide because it establishes the pattern that its practitioners will follow for the next 12 months. When the Santeria community was less globalized, the Oddú of the Year or Letra del Año would be done only in Cuba. With the migration of Cubans and Cuban Ifá priests to the United States, there was the unavoidable additional Oddús of the Year determined.
Nowadays, you can find groups of Ifá priests in countries around the world, and thus, the Cuban Oddú of the Year is no longer the only voice to guide Orisha followers in their daily life. I see nothing wrong with having regionalized readings, it is quite logical that what impacts one region may not necessarily be the reality for others regions, not to say other countries. Even in Cuba, there used to be one official group of Ifá priests, now there are more than one. Granted, the emergence of multiple voices is due to various reasons. One of them is the proliferation of Ifá priests, in the past the numbers of Ifá initiates were limited. Another reason is the desire to establish a powerful voice and presence in the community and to influence thought currents and households adhered to the Ifá group in question.
Also, there could be political reasons at play, and the list goes on. I will post as many of the Oddús as I can find. However, since I post the articles both in English and Spanish, the process is time consuming and it may take me a few days to round them all up and translated them. I will also post the original sources of the different Oddús. Oddú of the Year as per the Templo Yoruba Omo Orisha in Puerto Rico The original post comes from their blog and it is solely in Spanish. I have translated the salient parts for the benefits of the readers of The Mystic Cup and made a few edits not in content, but in style.
Here is the original link: http://temployorubapr.com/?p=922
Oddú of the Year: Otrupon Koso Prophesy: Osogbo Eyó Kafetileri (conflicto or discussions generated by one’s own head)
First Witness: Irete Ká
Second Witness: Ogbe Wale
Ruling Orisha: Yemayá (adimú of fruits with ice and molasses, on the same day the offering is place is taken to the ocean).
Assistant Orisha: Shangó (adimú is amalá ailá with opolopo epó, this offering is also taken to the ocean on the same day in which is offered).
Defending Orisha: Obatá (Obatalá receives a female goat as well as the other feathered animals that go with feeding the King of the White Cloth).
Flag: Rectangular flag with white background. Inside it has another rectangle divided in two triangles. The top one is blue and the bottom one is red and white, there is no specification on the pattern of the red and white side, I have taken some aesthetic liberties to illustrate it.
Flag: Rectangular flag with white background. Inside it has another rectangle divided in two triangles. The top one is blue and the bottom one is red and white, there is no specification on the pattern of the red and white side, I have taken some aesthetic liberties to illustrate it.
Orí: Prayers over the head with obí, omí tutu. This should be repeated several times during the course of 2015.
Ará: Ebbó misí ewefá (baths with omiero of plants consecrated to Ifá, must consult a babalawo).
Ebbó: Akuko fifeshu (feed a rooster to Eshu), ailá ará (measure your body-height), ailá lerí (measure your head), malaguidi okuni y obini (use a doll representing a male and a female), atitán batá (soil from your shoes), ashó timbelara (colored fabric: white, red, yellow and blue), gbogbo tenuyén Ifá (all the basics ingredients to be used for an ebó with Ifá. It is recommend to consult with your babalawo of preference or the one affiliated to your household.
Working for business: Kasheoro gbogbo tenuyén Ifá (a working with little packages on the Ifa board or Tablero de Ifá), 3 baby chicks for Eshu-Eleggua and deposit the small packages on the four corners of the building where the business is situated.
Introduction: 2015 must be faced with lots of patience, with conviction and perseverance and being very aware of your actions. The challenges announced on the oddú Otrupon Koso represent a year of many trials, tensions and hard situations. The prophesy determines that there will be debates or discussions and discord caused by one owns head. This refers to conflictive situations that could arise due to the way in which we behave, the decisions we take and how we treat others. Ifá says that when facing conflictive situations it is better to be calmed. The key of success lays on temperance, one cannot be impulsive or capricious. It is advised to avoid imposing one’s will on an abusive manner. How we treat others will make the difference in how day to day situations can be improved or worsen. There will be a need for great perseverance, sacrifice and patience to improve those circumstances that surround us. Ifá advises to try to be understanding and have compassion instead of judging others. Ifá points out to the need of self-flection to improve and enhance our won spiritual development. It is important to be an example of good values for our children, so they can learn to solve situations using dialogue. For our children, the best lesson is to be learned is how to live a healthy life for the good of all. It is important that children learn to recognize their limitations and the repercussions of their acts so they stay on track. This year will be very hard for relationships between couples. Economic, social and day to day circumstances are creating a lot of lack of tranquility, anxiety and unrest. This is why it is important to treat each other with great respect, to be understanding and have solidarity. Trying to be forceful or to impulse one’s will would create more losses than winnings. In other words, treat others as you would like to be treated. Puerto Rico needs to learn to live with atmospheric phenomena related to climatic changes. The sign talks about atmospheric changes, particularly cold fronts. It is important to have lifestyles that honor a balance with Mother Nature. The resolution of conflicts of social and economic nature in the country will depend on the good will of all parties involved. If there is no will to solve difficult situations, all will continue to be in a state of putrid stagnation. Our well-being depends on focusing in productivity and what is for the common good of the people. We exhort all of those in a position of authority in political and economic matters to transcend their own interests and to seek a dialogue with the commitment to achieve concrete solutions for the well-being of the country. Finally, good character, patience and perseverance will be the tools that will help us face those difficult situations that will arise throughout the year and will help us keep peace and tranquility. It is with this mental balance, with a cool and clear head that will be able to find solutions to the problems that impact us on a personal level and in society.
In this oddú are born the following:
The poles of the earth and ice
Yemayá Okute
Expressions associated with the Oddú:
Do not do to others what you would not like done to you.
Respect others as you respect yourself.
General Advice:
Oddú speaks of mistreatment between couples
Avoid all manners of vice because they will bring physical and moral destruction
Tamarinds were sweet and how to turn sour to survive
Avoid exaggerated ambition
Respect your elders
Couples need to treat each other with respect
Communication and dialogue is fundamental to solve conflicts and problems
It is a good year to receive the Warriors, to make Kariosha and for those who have a path of Ifá to become priests
Have a more calm life
The oddú speaks of traveling to other countries
Do not be proud
Be careful with stairs steps
Do not pay attention to gossips
Avoid arguments and disagreements
If you promise something keep your word
Beware of falls and of heights
Be careful at night
—Oddú for 2015 in Cuba— For the full oddú, click on this link to the PDF file in Spanish: http://www.14ymedio.com/nacional/letra-del-ano-2015-Comision-Miguel-Febles_CYMFIL20150103_0002.pdf As more oddús become available I will provide links to the source and summarize the readings.
—Oddú for 2015 for Miami— For the full oddú, in Spanish follow this link:
Omimelli Oní Yemayá Achagbá