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Jun 24, 20122 min read
The ethics of creating discordance...just because You because can, does it mean you should?
Overall, I try to walk a pretty straight line when it comes to doing workings. I try to use momentum to aid my workings, to research...
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Dec 11, 201115 min read
The Burning Rooster: When Politics, Money and Religion Ride in the Same Cart the Whirlwind Follows
I am a fanatic of Frank Herbert’s Dune and it is through the words of his character Rev. Mother Ramallo that I have summarized an issue...
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Nov 4, 20116 min read
Hoodoo Noches: productos mágicos, artesanía y orgullo
La primera vez que abrí un paquete de mi proveedor de productos de Hoodoo, me quedé muy sorprendida por lo que encontré. Un mundo de...
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Nov 4, 20116 min read
Hoodoo Nights: Magical Products, Craftsmanship and Pride
The very first time that I opened a package from my Hoodoo product supplier, I was very pleasantly surprised by what I found. A world of...
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Oct 27, 20113 min read
Hoodoo Nights
Time management is a fine art. I often times amaze myself on how I can pack a million things into my day-to-day routine. I am a...
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Oct 20, 20115 min read
Hoodoo Nights: What exactly is Hoodoo?
Hoodoo, Conjure, Rootwork… the very own mention of those three similar terms brings up all sort of images to one’s mind. I promise you,...
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